Single Family Residence
The same story continues: the demand (Pendings) still outpacing supply (Actives) by nearly 90% for the month of March. As such, price is continuing to rise to historic levels.
The Median Price for Single Family Home is now at a record shattering $1.45M in Santa Clara County.
Mar Feb
Active listings 516 538
Pending 960 749
Days of Inventory 18 17
Median price $1,450,000 $1,380,000
The story is consistent with Single Famly Homes. The supply (Actives) has increased but the demand (Pendings) is still outpacing it by a whopping 194% in this category with the median price hitting $900,000.
Mar Feb
Active listings 124 123
Pending 365 287
Days of Inventory 17 17
Median price $900,000 $831,500
Real Estate is a very neighborhood specific business. If you have questions about your specific neighborhood or your house, please contact us and we can get you data relevant to your needs.
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